Why I joined Camp NaNoWrimo

Camp NaNo participant, Operation Hammer, Ezekiel Carsella

Ever feel like you needed some help from fellow authors? Camp NaNoWrimo.

As a fledgling indie author (currently) I obviously haven’t made it to the New York Times bestseller list yet. Or have I sold a thousand copies yet. My debut novel is just going through a rigorous editing process now. (more on it later.) So now working on my next novel I decided for this one I was going to get some help. Where did I turn. To Camp NaNoWrimo. Camp NaNoWrimo is where authors go to a virtual “camp” where you have 6 to a cabin with a messaging board so you can talk about your novels, etc etc. The point of Camp NaNo is to let authors post the word count of their novels and ask for help or help other authors. So far I like the concept. The Camp runs two months a year free to the camper unless you want to make a donation. So if you are a fellow author and want to sign up for camp I fully endorse it as a tool to make better authors and novels.

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